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Federal, State and local regulations often require an assessment of the hydrogeologic conditions at the site to determine the potential for, or the extent of environmental contamination.  Hydrogeologic assessments typically involve the analysis of surface and ground water quality, soils, and subsurface properties that when evaluated as a whole, define the horizontal and vertical extent of site contamination.


SMITHCO.’s staff of hydrogeologist and engineers, have extensive experience in conducting successful hydrogeological assessments and site evaluation projects for a variety of clients.  SMITHCO.  typically has called upon to:


Assess impact of water disposal, industrial and commercial operations

Determine suitability of water sources for human consumption

Estimate the extent of surface and subsurface contamination

Delineate ground water recharge and discharge zones

Recommend remedial action alternatives

Perform property transfer assessment

Locate contaminant sources


Some hydrogeological services may require minimal analyses, while others may require a full-scale, multi-disciplined investigation.  A typical hydrogeological assessment will involve the following steps:


Site Geology - research all available information on the site geology.  Conduct a detailed site inspection to confirm the finds of the research. 


Monitoring Well - locate and install monitoring wells to develop information about ground water flow characteristics.


Groundwater Flow Analysis - to record changes in water levels and flow direction.


Remedial Action - recommend alternatives for remediating ground water contamination.


For land development projects, it is often essential to analyze the surface and subsurface conditions at a site to ensure the integrity of the structure to be erected.  SMITHCO. . offers a technically excellent staff of engineers, geologists and hydrogeologists experienced in conducting a variety of geotechnical services.



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