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The McGreevey Administration of New Jersey has followed through on its promise to address the environmental concerns long experienced by the residents of the City of Camden, New Jersey.  In the aftermath of a groundswell of public concern in the City of Camden. Commissioner Bradley M. Campbell and the McGreevey Administration made visits to the city.  As a result, an environmental mandate for action was acknowledged and a response action was set in motion.


As one means of response, Mr. Bradley M. Campbell, Commissioner of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection announced that former Gov. James E. McGreevey and the State of New Jersey would fund the installation of THE SMITHCO. ENGINEERING GROUP, INC. AutoFlush TM System in the City of Camden Schools as a viable solution.


For the first time in known state history, the New Jersey Economic Development Authority- School Construction Corporation addressed the public health and safety problem of lead in water by funding a project of this magnitude. 









According to the laboratory results of the third quarter 2002, (prior to the SMITHCO. AutoFlush TM System Installation) seventeen (17) facilities exceeded the Maximum Contaminant Level of 50 ppb (particles per billion).

 By comparison, since the installation of the SMITHCO. AutoFlush TM Systems, with over six-hundred (600) samples taken no school experienced lead in water levels above the Maximum Contaminant Level of 50 ppb (particles per billion) during this same period, a one-hundred percent (100%) reduction in extremely high lead in water concentrations.

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