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SMITHCO. CONSULTANTS, LLC. . has experience in the design of heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems design.  We also assess existing systems and determine ways in which to improve performance, indoor air quality, and energy consumption.


SMITHCO. CONSULTANTS, LLC. performs a large amount of work for government and industry.  We have extensive experience in coordinating projects, securing grants from government and utilities, and performing mathematical analysis to justify large capital improvement projects.




  • Inspect and evaluate existing facilities to determine the physical condition of equipment and overall system performance and recommend upgrades or replacement.

  • Work with architects and other professionals to design HVAC systems for new  construction.

  • Aid in securing state or federal dollars to help pay for these projects.

  • Provide repair design necessary to upgrade HVAC systems.

  • Perform energy consumption audits to reduce facility operating costs.

  • Perform heat load calculations using computer aided design programs to ensure that    HVAC equipment is properly sized.

  • Recommend state of the art HVAC equipment where appropriate.

  • Offer on-site inspection during construction to ensure all designs and specifications are met.

  • Plumbing

  • Fire Protection

  • Electrical and Pneumatic Air Temperature  Controls

  • Thermal Storage Systems

  • Geothermal Systems

  • Electrical and Digital Controls

  • Communications and Data Distribution




Services are available for one or more of the traditional documentation phases described below:


Schematic Diagrams & Initial Studies

Availability of required utilities, suitability of system types and probable cost of construction.


Design Development

Utility selection and sizing systems design, location of equipment on plans and updates of probable cost of construction.


Construction Documents

Completion of detailed drawings and specifications for the bidding process.


Construction Administration

Review of vendor project and shop drawings along with periodic visits to the site.


SMITHCO. also has experience in the design of electrical power distribution systems for all building electrical needs.  SMITHCO. can, therefore, develop a plan to help any client ensure that its physical plant remains in good condition.



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